Trident Forces offers the United States military high quality tactical gear, weapon systems, surveillance systems, and optics.

We purchase from proven US manufacturers, and to subject every order to thorough, hands-on testing and evaluation.

Every purchase from Trident Forces will arrive on-time, on-budget and readiness-fit to equip the finest service personnel in the world. Trident Forces is not your typical supplier, not by a long shot. Our team includes proud and seasoned members of the US military, and, in fact our chief executive officer, Ryan Rico, has actively served the special operations forces of the United States Armed Services, and held tactical and executive leadership positions in multiple theaters throughout Central and South America, Africa, and the Middle East.

This unique perspective that we have been personally, repeatedly reliant on our gear and equipment in high threat and combative environments means not only that we understand the products and services we are supplying, but makes us honor-bound to ensure their quality. Our lives, and those of our fellow servicemen and women, have and continue to depend on it. This is not just our responsibility: it is our mission; our obligation; and our opportunity to serve our nation.